How to help children breathe better.
Steve Donald: Breathing Physiology and Buteyko
How Buteyko breathing helps with wellness.
Decreased chewing activity during mouth breathing
Can mouth breathing decreased facial muscle strength?
Mouth breathing, “nasal disuse,” and pediatric sleep-disordered breathing
Myofunctional therapy is needed after tonsil removal.
Sleep Problems as Predictors in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Causal Mechanisms, Consequences and Treatment
Checking for sleep issues in children with attention deficit disorder.
Myofunctional therapy improves adherence to continuous positive airway pressure treatment
Myofunctional therapy is a great adjunctive treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.
Snoring-Induced Nerve Lesions in the Upper Airway
The harmful effects of snoring.
The effect of orofacial myofunctional treatment in children with anterior open bite and tongue dysfunction: a pilot study
Myofunctional therapy helps children with a tongue thrust.
Effect of Tongue Thrust Swallowing on Position of Anterior Teeth
Should you fix a tonue thrust before going into braces?
Toward a functional definition of ankyloglossia: validating current grading scales for lingual frenulum length and tongue mobility in 1052 subjects
How can you tell if you have a tongue tie.